Sunday, September 5, 2010

Zip Code E Do allows Local Business Owners to Reach Local Customer Online

Zip Code E Do, a Local Input company, has created a fantastic new website that allows local business owners, schools and charitable organization to promote their group without charge. Go to, to Register and Post for Free Today!
Local Input, LLC is introducing the beta release of its Geocentric Social Network,! We invite you to visit explore and take advantage of all that it has to offer. Be the first to post a business or event in your town and the nearest towns to raise awareness with the people you are trying to reach. If you don't have an online presence yet, this is a great first step in seeing what the internet can do for you!
If you are like most business owners, head of a local charitable organization or school administrator, you are proud of your group, the service or product that you offer. Many of you know that if you could just get the word out and promote what you have to offer many more people would enjoy and benefit by what you provide or offer. The Business owners would also benefit from the increased business. The Charity would benefit from greater donations to their cause and or participation in their events. The Schools would sponsor greater awareness of the hard work they and the children put in for the Children and Community.
The problem is twofold. The first issue is reaching the right group that would benefit from what you offer; your customers, your patrons, your volunteers and your community. You have to find the group that is interested in what you are doing but wasn't aware of what it was that you offered or they just needed a reminder in order to participate. Zip Code E Do offers local groups a way to get in touch with their customers, donors and community by organizing a website by Zip Code. They offer Local messages to Local participants. Users will only see information from a certain distance from the hometown Zip Code. Currently that is set at a maximum of 15 miles away. This concentrates and focuses your message so that it won't have to compete with others on the other side of the state or country and allows the viewer to only see pertinent information that they can use. The second issue is cost. The cost of marketing and promotion can be prohibitively expensive. Well, Zip Code E Do has solved that issue as well. It's free to post! That's right, NO Cost.
So do not delay! Go immediately to Register and Post some information about your group. It will literally only take a few minutes to register and start posting. Then check back the next day and you should be online with a focused and valuable message that your customers can see!
We also recommend you explore the site and see what else Zip Code E Do has to offer on any of the more than 15 categories, all organized by Zip Code. Go to our sample town of Red Bank, NJ 07701 ( to get an idea of what is possible. If you don't see your category, please suggest it and we will consider it.

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